
Nova Scotia 1Again and again I’m very lucky all within my trip! The weather always turns to good, though it was even raining before, my luggage always finds its place (and space!) and up to now I could match every step on my trip all-in time. When I wanted to say Goodbye to the staff of my hostel luck was again on my side: My friend Tony just had some things to handle in the city, so he brought me to the train station. I was very happy about that because Halifax passed me the same as it met me once: with rain.

After that I started my trip to North Sydney, the town where my ferry boat to Newfoundland left. On my way through almost entire Nova Scotia I could get a impression of what it generally means to live in Canada. The people here have so much space, it is really incredible. I was so fascinated about that, that I couldn’t get my nose from the window at any time of the tour. Unfortunately I had to recognize that it’s impossible to capture endless spaces with a camera. So I must say that if you ever get the chance to get here, then don’t miss it! Nova Scotia seems to be a real beauty. Especially the region of Cape Breton Island is peppered with lakes, hills, meadows and other things which make a landscape gorgeous.

Newfoundland HorizonMy voyage on the ferry wasn’t that exciting: I went aboard and let me show the direct way to the dormitory sleeper in which I booked my bed. The next morning I went directly I immediately had a look out of my window. And then, at the end of the horizon it appeared in the dusky sky: Newfoundland!

Newfoundland RiverWhen I got off the boat I actually wanted to get directly in the bus. But that one which was prepared for us was broken and the mechanic couldn’t solve the problem. So we had to wait for about 2 hours until another bus ready to pick us up. Then I started to discover my new home island. And the following impressions exeeded all my expectations. The spaces I met there were so huge, that I might have thought that I’m actually crossing Yukon or the Northwest Territories. It was just beyond words.

Deer LakeRight now I’m staying in Deer Lake, a very small town in the middle of nowhere. Because of that getting around here is nearly impossible I decided to get my Avis car one day earlier. Tomorrow I plan to leave here and get to see Gros Morne National Park and especially the Wester Brook Pond fjord. I hope luck is staying on my side!

2 Gedanken zu „Spaces“

  1. Wahnsinn… ich bin jetzt schon so neidisch! Muss wohl so ähnlich sein wie Island, unglaubliche Weiten und unglaubliche Ruhe.

    Ich glaub, ich komm dich besuchen^^

    Ein schönes aufregendes Wochenende aus dem langweiligen Augsburg

    wünscht dir Juli

  2. Das ganze das nächstes mal bitte auf Deutsch, ich hatte es doch noch nie so mit dem Englisch;-)

    Freut mich, dass es dir gut geht!

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